Drby ze zákulisí natáčení filmu New Moon
Director Fired From Twilight Franchise
8. prosinec 2008 17:36:20, zdroj: hollywoodlife.com
Twilight director
Catherine Hardwicke will not return for the film's next two installments.
Deadline Hollywood broke the story and sources say Catherine "was
difficult and irrational during the making of Twilight."
The film has earned $138.6 million at the box office and Summit
Entertainment wants to continue cashing in by rushing the next two
movies into production.
Studio suits say the quick turnaround time is the reason Hardwicke won't
be involved - they say claim wanted more prep time.
At this stage, the first sequel, New Moon, is slated to be
released by the end of 2009 or beginning of 2010.
The news broke right in the middle of an international press tour which
has to be a lit-tle awkward for Catherine.
Word on the street is that Summit will probably replace her with another
female director to avoid accusations of sexism.
Both parties released a statment playing nice for the press. but we look
forward to finding out what really went down in the future.